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Living with sea level rise – ECCA 2021
We’re almost done with the European Climate Change Adaptation webinars! So far, we learned about financing adaptation, the effects of climate change on health or how basing adaptation solutions on nature will become more essential as time goes by. Our project leader Bart van der Hurk was joined by IPCC authors during a session on […]
+ Read MoreRECEIPT’s Reading Recs – episode 1
With COVID restrictions easing up, you may again be on the hunt for entertainment for your commute. We’ve got you covered! Every couple of months, we’ll be asking RECEIPT experts for their latest discoveries. For this first edition, we’ve compiled a perfect blend of in-depth insights and anecdotes to share at your next socially distanced […]
+ Read MoreTakeaways from our #vEGU presentations
Are you missing vEGU? You couldn’t attend all the sessions you hoped to join? Fear not! You can catch up or extend you vEGU experience. We have compiled some of the presentations by RECEIPT scientists at vEGU: Gather Online. Some of our researchers are studying soybeans and the factors that are impacting their yields. Soy […]
+ Read MoreEvaluating global models for flood-induced future displacements
Did you know that over the last 10 years, river floods have displaced over 100 million people worldwide? Natural hazards have huge consequences not just on the environment, but also cause financial losses, fatalities and force people to leave their homes. Displacement due to disasters leads to migration and has geopolitical consequences. In our new […]
+ Read MoreTakeaways from ‘Impacts of climate change on Europe’
Missed our webinar on the impacts of climate change on Europe? Here are some highlights. More than 65 scientists and policy makers came together on Wednesday 14 April 2021. They attended a webinar organized by the H2020 funded projects RECEIPT and CASCADES and hosted by DG CLIMA and EASME. The projects have reflected on the […]
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