Webinar hosted on July 8th, 2020 – 04:00 pm CET
As we are coping with the health, social and economic implications of the COVID-19 crisis, it is crucial to take into account all elements that will make the post-COVID-19 recovery as resilient as possible. Sustainable investments, taking into account the chronic climate crisis, are essential to foster a long-term climate-resilient society and for reaching the Paris Agreement’s goals.
The pandemic has brought into sharp relief the challenges of coping with systemic risk that ripples across all sectors of our economy and society, with parallels to the climate-driven risks being explored through the RECEIPT storylines.
In this upcoming webinar hosted by RECEIPT partner CMCC together with RFF and EIEE, experts Barbara Buchner, Ivan Faiella and Sara Lovisolo will explore the subject of green finance as an essential element for climate-resilient post COVID-19 recovery.
July 8th, 2020 – 04:00 PM CET
Published on : 19 June 2020