Please note: this webinar has been rescheduled to a later date. Stay tuned for more information.
Join us on Friday 28 May from 11:00 to 12:00 CEST for the our next webinar Agrimate – a global agent-based agricultural market model to assess food security risks in import dependent developing countries.
In this webinar series, we are engaging with societal partners to look at how the climate crisis can affect international cooperation, development and resilience.
Over the last decades, global productivity of croplands has been growing with relative stability (with notable exceptions in 2007/08 and 2010/11). But the global food system is also very vulnerable and susceptible to major shocks. The high geographical concentration of production in a few key “breadbasket regions”, the length of the supply chains and the high dependency of imports in some countries has experts worried. Crop failure due to extreme weather and unilateral policies such as export restrictions risk putting the global food system out of balance, sending prices flying and affecting food security.
While during the two recent world food price crises in 2007/08 and 2010/11 most high-income countries were able to shield their consumers from spiking prices, it was not the case globally. In low-income countries that depend on imported goods, millions of people were pushed into food insecurity, which sparked social unrest and even riots.
In this webinar, we will illustrate how food insecurity can arise from a combination of trade dependencies and local crop failures. A storyline looking at the compound effects of the 2020 locust infestation and the Covid-19 pandemic on crop production will be presented. The agent-based agricultural market model Agrimate will then be introduced. Applied to key crops such as wheat, rice, corn and soybeans, the model allows to describe food security risks. Lastly, the webinar will provide an outlook on further research plans to estimate food security risks in Northern Africa and at the Horn of Africa, both in the present climate and different future global warming scenarios.
The keynote speaker of the webinar is Dr. Christian Otto from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The session will be moderated by RECEIPT’s lead Bart van den Hurk.

Please note: this webinar has been rescheduled to a later date. Stay tuned for more information.
Published on : 19 May 2021