Climate services provide essential scientific information to assist decision-making. It can help society to enhance resilience and seize new opportunities in the face of climate risks. But “what are priorities to advance and deliver climate services for resilience and preparedness?” That’s what Voices has asked 13 lead scientists on the topic, among who RECEIPT’s lead Bart van den Hurk.
For Bart van den Hurk, RECEIPT’s lead, the priority lies in mainstreaming climate services. Science-based guidance is essential for climate-mitigation and adaptation policies. Experts provide advice on how to reduce emissions and on coping with extreme weather. For Bart, the “‘climate’ element of the service is only a piece of the puzzle, and its “mainstreaming” will need to be consistent with the notion that most decisions are governed by multiple factors and considerations.”
From improving health, to fostering trust in these services, read the other answers in the Voices article that was published.
Published on : 17 September 2021