The European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) is a flagship yearly conference bringing together high-level scientists across disciplines. The event all fields of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU 2021 will be taking place from 19 to 30 April 2021. This year, the conference is organised 100% online. vEGU21: Gather Online will feature nearly 700 scientific sessions, networking events, award ceremonies, lectures and mentoring sessions.
Many of RECEIPT’s scientists will be attending vEGU21 and present their research in dedicated sessions. Find their sessions here:
Monday 26 April, 13:30 – 15:00 CEST:
The impacts of hot-dry compound extremes on US Soybean yields. By Raed Hamed, Anne Van Loon, Jeroen Aerts and Dim Coumou.
Find the abstract of the presentation here.
Wednesday 28 April, 15:30 – 17:00 CEST
Future storylines of the 2012 soybean failure event. By Henrique Moreno Dumont Goulart, Bart van den Hurk, and Karin van der Wiel.
Find the abstract of the presentation here.
Thursday 29 April, 13:30 –17:00 CEST
A feasibility study of a global risk pool scheme against tropical cyclones. By Alessio Ciullo, Eric Strobl, Olivia Martius, and David N. Bresch.
Find the abstract of the presentation here.
Thursday 29 April, 13:30 –17:00 CEST
Sensitivity of global river flood simulations to the choice of climate forcing and hydrological model. Benedikt Mester, Sven Willner, Katja Frieler, and Jacob Schewe.
Find the abstract of the presentation here.
Friday 30 April, 13:30 – 15:00 CEST
Gridded Harmonized Dataset for the Spatial Location of the Global Critical Infrastructure Network. By Sadhana Nirandjan, Elco Koks, Philip Ward, and Jeroen Aerts.
Find the abstract of the presentation here.
Friday 30 April, 15:30 – 17:00 CEST
Physical storylines of future European drought events like 2018 based on ensemble climate modelling. By Karin van der Wiel, Geert Lenderink, and Hylke de Vries.
Find the abstract of the presentation here.
Friday 30 April, 15:30 – 17:00 CEST
Practical resilience measurement for the management of multiple hazards. By Michael Szoenyi, Adriana Keating, Reinhard Mechler, and Karen McClune.
Find the abstract of the presentation here.

Register to vEGU21: Gather Online to attend these presentations.
Published on : 15 April 2021