For the third episode of our Young Researchers series, we’ve invited Robin Middelanis to take the floor and introduce himself and his research. Robin works at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Growing up, he wanted to be a lawyer or an actor. But lucky for us, his path took in the direction of RECEIPT. Tell us who you are, Robin!

What I do
For RECEIPT, I focus on large-scale economic effects of major hurricanes – especially in the United States – and their economic effect onto the European economy. Natural hazards have the potential to disrupt local production chains. But with our interconnected global economies, such disruptions can ripple trough the entire economic network.
Currently, I’m working on how economic systems can compensate production losses caused by hurricanes.
Where I’m going
I’ve never been much of a long-term planner, so it’s hard to say where I will be five years from now. It is important for me to work on topics of societal interest. I will likely continue working on climate impacts. We’ll see whether that’s in academia, the public sector or the industry.
Also, this
I am fascinated by the question of how our mind works, it’s funny how we understand so little about what essentially defines what we call ‘I’.
Published on : 09 November 2021