Interested in how a combination of local crop failures and disturbances to global agricultural markets can threaten food security in Sub-Saharan Africa? Then make sure to attend the webinar by Patryk kubiczek next week!

Climate change puts pressure on food systems not only due to slow-onset processes but also from the increasing occurrence of production failures due to extreme weather. International agricultural trade plays a pivotal role in securing a sufficient food supply in case of local shortages; at the same time, it exposes import-dependent countries to price spikes in the global markets.

Agrimate, a model for price and trade flow for crops such as wheat, rice, and corn is designed to make plausible scenarios of shifting supplier portfolios in the aftermath of weather or policy-driven supply shocks. It aims at resolving key characteristics of agricultural markets such as the seasonality of production and stock-keeping with at least monthly resolution.

Patryk Kubiczek (PIK) will elaborate on this topic together with panelist Esther Boere (IIASA) during a webinar organised 18th of November, 2021.

More information and registration here.

Published on : 09 November 2021