The RECEIPT team gathered for a kick-off meeting in the Dutch city of Delft at the office of coordinator Deltares, from 16 and 18 September 2019. Funded by Horizon 2020, this project has set itself the aim of mapping connections between European socio-economic activities and remote climatic hazards.
The three-day programme included discussions on RECEIPT’s innovative methodology that centres on the concept of climate ‘storylines’ – narrative chains of cause and effect, underpinned by climate and socioeconomic data, which demonstrate how climate change in one region can ripple across the globe to Europe. Representatives were present from each of the project’s work packages, which include sector-specific experts across the five areas addressed by RECEIPT’s research: agriculture, finance, international development, manufacturing and coastal infrastructure. Participants explored possible storylines in each sector, which will now be developed in more detail in the months ahead.
Published on : 21 September 2019